Manufacturer of custom, bespoke & durable HPL COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS

Maps & Planning

An HPL Solution for your Maps
in exceptional quality

Original, highly resistant signage that will leave no one indifferent.


To reply to all kinds of emergency situations. We offer wall charts, sliding frames, pivoting panels, or any type of structure needed to meet your needs. Our laminated panels equip nuclear centers, crisis centres, police headquarters and many more.


DAP creates tailor-made maps based on the geographical area you want. We adapt the map according to your needs and availability on our map editors. DAP is the exclusive partner of Michelin, we can directly exploit their database files updated annually.


We can create a specific planning schedule with the elements of your choice, your specific organization, your time slots. You master the creation.
A planning template which you can write on without limits is the ideal solution to optimize your work.

Bespoke size

Our solution allows you to adapt the creation of a planning table or our stratified maps to the needs of your project.

Small or big format to equip your meeting rooms and optimize your organization.


Choosing to equip your room with an HPL panel ensures a long service life.

Being able to customize the digital print of your HPL board allows you to adapt it 100% to your activity. This is DAP’s know-how: we customize your HPL panels by digital inclusion. A unique solution.

Why choose a STRATIMAGE solution?

100% bespoke

You certainly have very specific requirements for your own structure. At DAP, your order is 100% custom made and perfectly tailored to your needs. Contact us to be accompanied in the creation and composition of your panels. We have solutions for all your projects.

Our products are the most resistant on the market. Scratch-resistant, impact resistant, fire resistant (certified M1 or M2 according to your project), the stratified panels will accompany you for many years.

ALL our panels without exception are made with the writing optionALL markers, even the permanent ones. We also offer a magnetic version to order.

All our raw materials are of French origin. The manufacture and assembly of our stratified panels is made entirely on our site in the Lyon area.

We are here to help you carry out your projects

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Encore +

Nouveauté : nos panneaux Stratimage® intègrent désormais
25% de papier recyclé dans leur composition.